Enlightened Relationships

Enlightened Relationships

Lindsey K Porter

This podcast is for exhausted, overwhelmed, and frustrated parents wanting more connection with their family but struggle with all the disharmony and letting go. In this podcast, I will share effective tools and strategies to support intentional interactions with your spouse and children and provide thought-provoking content that will inspire paradigm shifts for your next-level of living to cultivate more love, joy, and peace. If you are ready to change the conversation around relationships, then join me on Enlightened Relationships with Lindsey Porter where I share my self-improvement journey which transformed my life and relationships. You can love the life you live regardless of how the people in your life are showing up! Let's do this!

Kategorier: Utbildning

Lyssna på det sista avsnittet:

This is a replay of ER49. Tune in to discover if how this ONE big shift in letting go of your past and improve your life and relationships. In this episode, Lindsey K Porter will provide perspective shifts to letting go of your past so you can experience more love, peace and joy! Download this episode now to get started!

Tidigare avsnitt

  • 104 - ER103: Letting Go Of The Past 
    Wed, 12 Jan 2022
  • 103 - ER102: The Antidote To Downward Spiral Emotions 
    Wed, 5 Jan 2022
  • 102 - ER101: Why Expectations Destroy Your Relationships 
    Wed, 22 Dec 2021
  • 101 - ER100: Suffering Is Optional 
    Wed, 15 Dec 2021
  • 100 - ER99: The Secret To Happiness 
    Wed, 8 Dec 2021
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